Well got my reponse yesterday. Actually me, Mom, Dad, and my brother had a long long 4 hour phone call about a lot of this tough. Each of us going back and forth and back and forth. It was mainly about the blood issue...I got the one thing they can't overcome that I havn't really seen touched on any of the websites and havn't discussed with them...but I will post that on the other thread. Anyways here is the response to my Email...I think one thing of note is the fact my Mom said she would probably be in the same situation as Barb if she had seen what Barb did. Also my Mom always ends with "Love you"
My answer is that I personally do not know the facts of any cases involving child molestation. Those who know have done what they can to "change" the policy.....now it is in Jesus' hands....and believe me if there is wrongdoing on the part of his anointed ones.....he will correct it....they will be punished.
I don't know at this point what I would do ....I might be disfellowshipped....but at this point I personally would not be minding my own business because I know nothing of the details. I do know that Satan is trying to break up Jehovah's Organization and "scatter" Jesus' sheep....(John 10) The Ben Jeshua group and others that have splintered off (Evidently they don't all agree on everything either or they would be in "one" organization) are no longer in Jesus' flock....because he said he would protect his sheep and that he wouldn't allow the "wolf" to come in and scatter them. Evidently the wolf has entered and caused a scattering....but Jesus said his sheep would know his voice....I believe that voice is with Jehovah's organization. It was GOD not Jesus who said he would take out of the nations a people for his NAME.....His name is Jehovah.....or what ever is common to a language.....we know who our God is and we know who his Son is (John 17:3) ....just like the prophets of old and thousands of others who did not bow to BAAL in Israel. did not LEAVE Israel just because the leadership...including priests were evil and deceptive....they knew that Jehovah was working his purpose out through HIS Nation....Israel. I hear Jesus voice in the organization....I follow him....I am not going to follow any other voice....the preaching work...announcing that Jesus is King must be preached before the end....and Jehovah's organization is accomplishing that despite all efforts to stop it.
Love you,